Economics of Innovation and Development

Code: PECO6028
Course: Doctorate in Economics
Credits: 4
Hourly load: 60
Syllabus: The aim of this course is to discuss the different concepts about the industrial and technological development, based on the systemic approach of the innovation process in its dimensions: national, local, supranational, sectoral and regional. \nIt begins with the discussion about authors who introduced innovation at the center of the analysis of economic development process, mainly from Schumpeters work. Next is performed the discussion about the evolution of the innovation process, going from the linear model (Technology Push and Demand Pull) to the chain link model until reaching the systemic view of innovation. It will also discuss the basic definitions related to innovation (Research&Development, invention, innovation, diffusion, indicators, etc), with the purpose of linking the main concepts and themes. \nThe course also discusses the different thought about innovation and its perspectives, highlighting in particular the conceptual specificities of the neo-Schumpeterian approach to innovation systems and their connections to the development issues and structuralism thinking. About the development perspective, the course will analyze the learning, productive and innovative training processes in Brazil and other Latin American and OECD countries.
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CASSIOLATO, J. E.; GUIMARÃES, V.; PEIXOTO, F.; LASTRES, H. M. M. Innovation Systems and Development: what can we learn from the Latin American experience? III Globelics Confe-rence, Pretoria, 2005. www.sinal.redesist
CASSIOLATO, J. E.; LASTRES, H. M. M. Inovação, globalização e as novas políticas de desenvolvimento industrial e tecnológico. In: CASSIOLATO, J. E.; LASTRES, H. M. M. (Eds.) Glo-balização e inovação localizada: experiências de sistemas locais do Mercosul. Brasília: IBICT/MCT, 1999.
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