General Information

Welcome to Post-graduate Program in Economics (PPGEco) at Ufes

  • Research in macrodynamic theories and models to explain characteristics and relationships observed in Brazil and/or the rest of the world, making use of available data, statistics and econometric techniques.

    Research themes:

    Monetary policy;
    Fiscal Policy;
    Growth, Fluctuations and Economic Planning
    Fiscal Federalism;
    Fiscal Policy and Budget;
    Public Policy Evaluation;


    Alain Pierre Claude Henri Herscovici
    Ana Carolina Giuberti
    Mariana Fialho Ferreira
    Ricardo Ramalhete Moreira

  • This line of research aims to produce research that involves, from the point of view of theory and practice, mathematical, econometric, statistical and computational models, with applications in several areas of economics.

    Research themes:

    Mathematical, Econometric and Statistical Methods and Models Applied to Economics, Econometrics and Operations Research;
    Forecasting and Time Series Models Applied to Economy and Regional Economy;
    Univariate and Multivariate Econometric Methods. Analysis of High Dimension Data in Time Correlated Variables. Nonparametric and Robust Regression Methods and Time Series. Multivariate Methods in Time Correlated Data.


    Edson Zambon Monte
    Guilherme Armando de Almeida Pereira
    Henrique Hott
    Mariana Fialho Ferreira
    Renato Nunes de Lima Seixas
    Valdério Anselmo Reisen

  • Economic studies of industrial organization, innovation, relations between technological innovations and the environment, and regional economy. Research topics include regional economy applied to the local economy Science, technology and innovation in Espírito Santo; forecasting models and time series applied to the regional economy; economy of information; culture and property rights; socioeconomic development and sustainable development.

    Research themes:

    Science, Technology, Innovation and Institutions;
    Regional Economy;
    Socioeconomic Development and Sustainable Development;
    Capixaba Economy;
    Industrial Economics and Innovation Economics;
    Environmental Economics. Agricultural Economics. Technology Economics. Microeconomics and Industrial Economics;
    Economics of Information, Culture and Knowledge. Intellectual Property Rights and Institutions. Network Economy.


    Alain Pierre Claude Henri Herscovici
    Celso Bissoli Sessa
    Robson Antonio Grassi
    Renato Nunes de Lima Seixas

  • Research associated with the various Schools of Thought of Economic Science, focusing on the approaches of the Original Institutional Economics, Post Keynesian Economics, Neo Keynesian, Neo Schumpeteriana, New Institutional Economics, Game Theory, Growth Models and Theory of Economic Development. Studies of Brazilian and international economic history, including agriculture, industrialization, monetary systems, exchange rate regimes and capital flows. In the field of the History of Economic Thought, topics related to the evolution of economic theories are covered, as well as their relations with related areas such as philosophy, epistemology, ethics and morals.

    Research themes:

    International Economic History;
    History of economic thinking;
    Economic Theory;
    Post-Keynesian Economics and Institutional Economics;
    Economic Epistemology;
    Post-Keynesian and Neoricardian Economics.


    Alain Pierre Claude Henri Herscovici
    Alexandre Ottoni Teatini Salles
    Rogério Arthmar

The Graduate Program in Economics at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (PPGEco-UFES), through its Masters and Doctorate courses in Economics, has the general objective of training professionals able to work with academic research in educational institutions, as well as in private companies and in the public sector, through a strong immersion in Economic Theory and Quantitative Methods, with due attention to the events and updates of the Capixaba, Brazilian and International Economy. It also provides the necessary knowledge for students to enter Postdoctoral Programs in the country and abroad. PPGEco-UFES Master's and Doctorate in Economics students acquire analytical and academic training that give them comparative advantages in the most varied fields of professional activity.

With a long history of excellence in postgraduate education that dates back to 1994, when it was accredited, the program brings together a wealth of scholars from diverse fields, promoting the transdisciplinary transit of researchers and study groups.

The program is based in Vitória-ES, offering the course of Masters Degree in Economics since 1994 e the course of Doctorate in Economics since 2019 and has an academic qualification profile certified by CAPES, receiving 4 on its last evaluation.

The program already has 160 masters and 6 doctors and counts with 39 students regularly enrolled, being 18 in the masters and 21 in the doctorate.

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910