Distance learning
PPGEco/UFES does not offer discipline in the distance learning modality, however, some activities, such as the holding of qualification boards for dissertation / thesis projects and defense of dissertation / thesis projects, have had the participation of external members through various digital platforms. These platforms allow teachers whose regular activities take place in other units of the Brazilian federation and other countries to participate in Program benches at a low cost, without, however, compromising the quality of participation in the activity.
Regarding to Distance Learning in UFES:
The UFES has a structured teaching program the distance in operation since 2000. The program is integrated into the System Open University of Brazil - UAB, linked to CAPES / MEC. The Open Education Center and Distance (ne @ ad) is the intermediary body and manager of actions to distance learning and is managed by the Central Administration UFES. Inside, they allocate to coordination and the Assistant Coordination of UAB; and its structure is made up of experts from various fields of knowledge, serving designs of various centers and departments of the University and other institutions.
This structure presents distributed in three Regional Education Centers Distance - cre @ ads - and, through partnerships between UFES, MEC and municipalities in 26 (twenty-six) poles municipal presence support the Open University of Brazil - Polos UAB, interconnecting all spirit-santenses regions. The cre @ ads are located in the municipalities of 1) Mountain, 2) San Francisco bar and 3) Guaçuí and pole-UAB in cities of 1) Venetia, 2) Matthew, 3) Linhares, 4) Colac, 5) Santa Teresa, 6) Sale New Immigrants, 7) Victoria, 8) Old Town, 9) Alegre, 10) Itapemirim, 11) Conceicao da Barra, 12) Pine, 13) Ecoporanga, 14) Bom Jesus do North, 15) South Mimoso, 16) Itapemirim, 17) Castle, 18) Vargem Alta, 19) Iúna, 20) Aracruz, 21) Afonso Claudio, 22) Domingos Martins, 23) Baixo Guandu, 24) Manton, 25) Piuma, 26) Santa Leopoldina. The cre @ ads and UAB-pole include neighboring municipalities in up to 60 kilometers and are connected directly to the ne @ ad, which is based in Goiabeiras Campus in Victoria.
In addition to courses in levels of undergraduate and graduate broad sense, the ODL UFES assists and supports in research activities and dissemination of knowledge in some Graduate Programs stricto sensu and the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation.
The Distance Education disseminates knowledge to all regions of the state, forming professionals in various fields of human knowledge and providing them with means to better thinking and organizing the development of the regions of the State. EAD, constitutes an important and effective tool for democratization of access to education, establishing itself increasingly as a quality educational option that serves a large population and sometimes unassisted historically without which would not have the opportunity to access to training at a higher level or at the level of improvement and graduate.
On payment of the courses are mixed-conventional teaching resources to arising with the technologies of information and knowledge. Therefore, printed materials and teaching guides are used, but also, and especially, the media resources and enabled by the Internet, especially educational platforms, forums, chat rooms, e-mail, discussion groups, blogs, virtual portfolios, video conferencing, Web conferencing, DVDs, MP3, technical visits to companies, among others.
The ODL proposal UFES aims to mainly introduce the university, increasingly, the culture of Open and Distance Education and the use of New Technologies of Communication and Information in external and internal trainers spaces in order to irradiate, more and better, a teaching that is quality, skilled development of the regions of the state and improving the quality of life of its present inhabitants and future generations.