international co-tutorship
Cotutela Internacional (also called Co-Titulation) is becoming more common in Brazilian universities, as it already represents internationally. Cotutela provides both students and teachers with greater access and greater breadth in obtaining new knowledge.
The Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) may enter into agreements with foreign universities to carry out master's or doctorate courses in Cotutela. Specific agreements usually occur through interactions between UFES Graduate Programs and other institutions.
In these agreements, students work under the supervision of an advisor in each of the two centers that signed the agreement. Upon completing the process of defending a Master's Dissertation or Doctoral Thesis in an international Cotutela regime, the student will have two titles, one for each location, as agreed between the two universities.
The UFES Resolution that establishes the general rules of interactional Cotutela is provided below:
Resolution Nº 36-2010 - CEPE- Cotutela - simultaneous titling in 2 countries (