

The Master's course in Economics has been steadily fulfilling its role of professional insertion in the job market of high level professionals. Proof of this is the presence of PPGEco graduates with private organizations and public bodies such as the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil, Petrobrás, Federation of Industries of Espírito Santo (FINDES), IBAMA, Institute of Applied Economic Research - IPEA, Jones dos Santos Neves Institute - IJSN, federal and state regulatory agencies, Secretariats of the Government of the State of Espírito Santo, such as the Secretariat of Finance (SEFAZ) and the Secretariat of Economy and Planning (SEP), banking institutions such as the Development Bank of Espírito Santo (Bandes), Banco do Brasil, Banestes, among others.

The profile of the graduate of the Master's course in Economics at UFES also meets the quality of the teaching of Economics in public institutions, such as the Federal Institutes of Education and Federal Universities, as well as private ones, such as the presence of alumni in the body professor at USP, UNICAMP, UEM, UFG, at the Federal Institute of Education of Espírito Santo - IFES, at the Department of Economics at UFES itself and at colleges such as Fucape Business School, Rede Doctum, etc.

The doctoral course has formed its first class in 2023.

Meet the graduates of PPGEco / UFES:

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910