Internal Committees
** Self-Assessment Commission (CAA) **
The Self-Assessment Commission (CAA) is responsible for implementing the PPGEco/UFES Self-Assessment Plan, according to CAPES guidelines, and in line with UFES 'internal and external evaluation policies. The Self-Assessment Plan proposed by CAA was approved by Resolution No. 02/2019, of PPGEco/UFES (
Prof. Robson Antonio Grassi;
Prof. Edson Zambon Monte;
Techn. administrative Liliana de Mello Braz Alencar;
Student Renzo Caliman Souza;
Graduated Guilherme Lucas Barcelos.
** Graduates Committee **
It is the responsibility of the Alumni Commission to carry out an evaluation of the graduates of PPGEco/UFES, in order to verify the destination, performance and evaluation of the graduates of the program in relation to the training received.
Prof. Alexandre Ottoni Teatini Salles;
Prof. Ednilson Silva Felipe;
Techn. administrative unit Liliana de Mello Braz Alencar.
** Internationalization Commission **
The Internationalization Commission is responsible for constantly maintaining and increasing the quality of the internationalization activities of PPGEco/UFES, promoting actions such as: offering internationalized disciplines, attracting foreign teachers and students, offering a welcoming structure for foreigners, checking the internationality of notices, monitoring of research groups in international projects and partnerships, promoting the visibility of PPGEco/UFES research groups abroad.
Prof. Ricardo Ramalhete Moreira;
Prof. Rogério Arthmar;
Prof. Alain Pierre Claude Henri Herscovici.
** Strategic Planning Commission **
The Strategic Planning Commission is responsible for proposing and implementing the strategic planning of PPGEco/UFES, also considering links with the strategic planning of UFES, with a view to managing its future development, adapting and improving infrastructure and better training of its students, linked to the intellectual production.
Prof. Robson Antonio Grassi;
Prof. Edson Zambon Monte.
** Scholarship Commission **
According to CAPES Ordinance No. 52, of May 26, 2000, each graduate program must establish a Scholarship Committee, composed of at least three members: the Program Coordinator (President of the Commission), a representative of the board program and one from the student body.
The Scholarship Committee takes care of the definition of criteria for the distribution, maintenance and redistribution of scholarships allocated directly to the Program.
Prof. Robson Antonio Grassi;
Prof. Guilherme Pereira;
Student Cesar M. A. Soares.
** Selection Process Commission **
The selection process committee is elected by the program's Board each year and is responsible for preparing the notice and for all stages of the selection process.