Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
02/05/2023 24 Coordinator *
01/05/2009 24 Coordinator *

Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
Beyond Conspicuous Consumption: A Proposal of Interpretation of Consumption Theory in Thorstein Veblen RAFAEL BARBIERI CAMATTA 30/05/2014 Masters Degree in Economics
Creative Cities and Regional Development: the case of Vitória, Espirito Santo State - Brazil LARISSA DE MELO COMÉRIO 29/05/2014 Masters Degree in Economics
Fiscal Restructuring and Adjustment Program (FAP): The case of Espírito Santo State – Brazil, in the period 1998-2011. MARCO ANTONIO ROCHA LIMA GUILHERME 11/06/2013 Masters Degree in Economics
Analysis of the productive efficiency and well-being of consumers in the Electric Energy Distribution Sector within the New Brazilian Regulatory Model ARY JOSÉ APOLINÁRIO DE SOUZA JÚNIOR 07/06/2013 Masters Degree in Economics
Has the IMF changed? An analysis of its performance in the case of Greece, in the context of the current global financial crisis. RICARDO BROMERSCHENKEL 12/09/2012 Masters Degree in Economics


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2023/2 PECO6300 Thesis Qualification I 30 Doctorate in Economics
2023/1 PECO6038 Industrial Economy 60 Doctorate in Economics
2023/1 PECO5038 Industrial Economy 60 Masters Degree in Economics
2022/2 PECO6400 Thesis Qualification II 30 Doctorate in Economics
2022/1 PECO5038 Industrial Economy 60 Masters Degree in Economics


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
NATHAN MARQUES DIIRR Regulation in the natural gas industry Advisor * Proposal for msc dissertation
RODOLPHO DA CRUZ RANGEL The Innovation Ecosystem's Dynamics And The Espírito Santos State's Socioeconomic Development: An Analysis Of Evolutionary And Institutional About The Regional Economy. Advisor * Proposal for phd thesis
SÁVIO BERTOCHI CAÇADOR The role of institutions in the growth and economic development of the Espírito Santo State - Brazil Advisor * Proposal for phd thesis
SÁVIO BERTOCHI CAÇADOR Institutions, Knowledge Economy and Economic Growth: an Analysis of the Recent Evolution of Espirito Santo State Economy. 27/09/2024 Advisor Doctoral thesis
FRANCISCO CARLOS BATISTINI BRUNORO JUNIOR The Evolution of the Science Technology and Innovation policy in Espírito Santo on 2005 - 2020 period: the role of the State Council of Science and Technology (CONCITEC) 07/10/2022 Advisor * MSc dissertation


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