Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
Theoretical and historical foundations of economic development: an institutionalist interpretation 02/03/2022 24 Coordinator *
Economic development, institutional change and environmental sustainability 01/03/2020 24 Coordinator *
Economic development, institutional change and environmental sustainability: the missing link 01/03/2019 24 Coordinator *
01/03/2017 48 Coordinator *
05/04/2010 24 Coordinator *

Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
The Phillips Curve in Brazil and inflation targeting policy - an analysis of the evolution of the trade-off over the period 1980-2010 MATEUS ALVES NAZARETH 13/06/2011 Masters Degree in Economics
Trajectory of the Development Bank of Espírito Santo (BANDES) in the post-Real Plan period. RICARDO SILVEIRA DA PAIXÃO 19/06/2009 Masters Degree in Economics
RICARDO SILVEIRA DA PAIXÃO 19/06/2009 Masters Degree in Economics
A proposal for equitable distribution of resources for primary health care in the Municipalities of Capixabas ADRIANO DO CARMO SANTOS 18/06/2009 Masters Degree in Economics
Harrod's model and the theory of economic growth in the twentieth century. GUILHERME LUCAS BARCELOS 27/05/2009 Masters Degree in Economics


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2021/2 PECO5200 Dissertation Project II 30 Masters Degree in Economics
2021/1 PECO5100 Dissertation Project I 30 Masters Degree in Economics
2020/2 PECO6300 Thesis Qualification I 30 Doctorate in Economics
2019/2 PECO6022 Institutional Economics 60 Doctorate in Economics


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
LEINA IADE ARAÚJO Social Security: a debate on maintaining unemployment insurance in Brazil (2000-2020). Advisor * Proposal for msc dissertation
YASMIM DALILA BARBANT Agent-based model for the Brazilian economy: an analytical device for an agricultural firm with innovation Advisor * Proposal for phd thesis
LEINA IADE ARAÚJO A study on the financial sustainability of the unemployment insurance program in Brazil (2000-2022) in light of the post-Keynesian interpretation 28/03/2024 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
EDUARDO HENRIQUE TANAKA MARTINS An analysis of the methodological evolution of original institutional economics: main foundations and dialogue with the contemporary epistemological debate 30/11/2023 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
RAFAEL BARBIERI CAMATTA Consumption and taxation of conspicuous goods: an theoretical analysis and a study about brazilian importations from 2011 to 2020 30/03/2023 Advisor Doctoral thesis


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