Incubators of Technology-Based Companies in the State of Espírito Santo: Current Situation and Future Perspectives

Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 30/05/2018

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ROGÉRIO ARTHMAR Internal Examiner *

Summary: Innovation is a process that involves the use and transformation of technical and scientific knowledge into problems related to production with a view to profit. Business incubators participate in the innovation ecosystem by enabling technological development and innovation. Incubators are entities that promote innovative ventures and are intended to support entrepreneurs so they can develop innovative ideas and turn them into successful ventures. Business incubators are technologically based when technology represents high added value, usually originated from scientific research. The objective of this research was to characterize the Technological Base Incubators in the State of Espírito Santo, showing their role, origin, operation, results obtained, difficulties faced and future perspectives. Case studies were carried out in three incubators, using documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews. Initially, technological innovation was characterized in the view of Schumpeter and neo-Schumpeterians, as well as the innovation ecosystem. Therefore, incubators were characterized in general, especially in Brazil, and the critical success factors of an incubator were also analyzed. Finally, it was described about the ecosystem of innovation in Espírito Santo and the evaluation of incubators based in Espírito Santo. The results pointed out that incubators are a part of the innovation ecosystem WHERE some advances are noticed, however, incubators are still far behind successful incubators in Brazil, therefore, there are several points to be developed and for this actions were proposed.

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