The role of self-production and independent production of renewable energy in the Brazilian electricity market

Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 30/05/2011

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Summary: The global demand for electricity is increasing due to the increase in world population, its access to new technologies and the demands for electricity by a growing number of technological devices such as computers and cell phones. The need for electricity generation by alternative routes to existing centralized systems is notorious. The self-generation and independent production of electricity are critical issues in the entire world, including Brazil, and these issues are the object of this study. Using literature review, data collection and conducting structured interviews, the author examines the evolution of Brazilian regulatory framework that resulted in the enactment of laws No. 10.847/04 and 10.848/04 and Decree 5.163/04, continuing the transition process model State monopoly to the market model of the electric industry in Brazil. The present study was focused in the use of renewable energy due to the imperative of environmental sustainability of the XXI Century beginning, so it was analyzed the potential of Brazil and the results of the Incentive Program for New and Renewable Sources of Energy (PROINFA), established by Law 10.438/02, making comparisons between the Brazilian and German public policy. The study presents a historical analysis of the Brazilian electric power industry with emphasis on events between 1980 and 2009. Self-producers and independent producers of electricity roles within the market model in the energy matrix are also investigated, seeking competitiveness and the reduction of transmission costs, since the generating units can be installed close to consumer centers. It´s also discussed the obstacles to these goals, such as lack of clarity in the regulatory framework and lack of an institutional policy aimed at the development. Key-Words: Self-producers of Electricity, Independent Producers of Electricity, Regulatory Framework, Renewable Energy

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