Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
02/05/2023 24 Coordinator *
01/05/2009 24 Coordinator *

Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
Creative Cities and Regional Development: the case of Vitória, Espirito Santo State - Brazil LARISSA DE MELO COMÉRIO 29/05/2014 Masters Degree in Economics
Fiscal Restructuring and Adjustment Program (FAP): The case of Espírito Santo State – Brazil, in the period 1998-2011. MARCO ANTONIO ROCHA LIMA GUILHERME 11/06/2013 Masters Degree in Economics
Analysis of the productive efficiency and well-being of consumers in the Electric Energy Distribution Sector within the New Brazilian Regulatory Model ARY JOSÉ APOLINÁRIO DE SOUZA JÚNIOR 07/06/2013 Masters Degree in Economics
Has the IMF changed? An analysis of its performance in the case of Greece, in the context of the current global financial crisis. RICARDO BROMERSCHENKEL 12/09/2012 Masters Degree in Economics
An institutionalist approach to economic development: an emphasis on Brazilian Science, Technology and Innovation Policy from the 1990s DACIELI SAUSEN 15/06/2012 Masters Degree in Economics


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2022/1 PECO5400 Dissertation Qualification II 30 Masters Degree in Economics
2021/2 PECO5300 Dissertation Qualification I 30 Masters Degree in Economics
2019/2 PECO6250 Research and Thesis Seminars II 10 Doctorate in Economics


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
LEONARDO ARAUJO MOREIRA Brazilian industrial policies in the period from 2003 to 2014: an analysis in relation to the characteristics of a green industrial policy 27/09/2021 Co-advisor * MSc dissertation
GABRIEL ADOLFO GOMES POTIN Business incubators and the development of the innovation Ecosystem: analysis of the differential of the incubator in a network of the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo State - Brazil 15/06/2021 Advisor * MSc dissertation
DIEGO ESTEVAM DE SOUZA Innovation and the importance of connection institutions: the role of ACATE in Santa Catarina State - Brazil and the challenges for the Espírito
Santo innovation ecosystem
18/05/2021 Advisor * MSc dissertation
JAIRO DE CARVALHO GUIMARÃES JÚNIOR Incomplete contracts, public-private partnerships and concessions: an analysis of risk allocation in BR-101 / ES / BA - Brazil 18/12/2020 Advisor * MSc dissertation
RAPHAEL DOUGLAS DOS ANJOS ALMEIDA The program Sinapse da Inovação as a method of discovering the innovative vocations of a region: the case of Espírito Santo - Brazil 02/12/2019 Advisor * MSc dissertation


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