Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
02/05/2023 24 Coordinator *
01/05/2009 24 Coordinator *

Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
An institutionalist approach to economic development: an emphasis on Brazilian Science, Technology and Innovation Policy from the 1990s DACIELI SAUSEN 15/06/2012 Masters Degree in Economics
"The New Information Economy: Towards an Alternative Paradigm". LUIS EUGÊNIO DE MENEZES XAVIER 30/05/2012 Masters Degree in Economics
Financial system, economic growth and regional inequalities in Espírito Santo. A spatial analysis for municipalities. RODOLFO FERNANDES ARAÚJO 13/04/2012 Masters Degree in Economics
Reflections on Competitive Efficiency in Network Industry RENO MARTINS 08/06/2011 Masters Degree in Economics
The role of self-production and independent production of renewable energy in the Brazilian electricity market ANA LUIZA SOUZA MENDES 30/05/2011 Masters Degree in Economics


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2025/1 PECO5038 Industrial Economy 60 Masters Degree in Economics
2025/1 PECO6038 Industrial Economy 60 Doctorate in Economics
2024/2 PECO6400 Thesis Qualification II 30 Doctorate in Economics
2024/1 PECO5038 Industrial Economy 60 Masters Degree in Economics
2024/1 PECO6038 Industrial Economy 60 Doctorate in Economics


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
NATHAN MARQUES DIIRR Regulation in the natural gas industry Advisor * Proposal for msc dissertation
RODOLPHO DA CRUZ RANGEL The Innovation Ecosystem's Dynamics And The Espírito Santos State's Socioeconomic Development: An Analysis Of Evolutionary And Institutional About The Regional Economy. Advisor * Proposal for phd thesis
SÁVIO BERTOCHI CAÇADOR The role of institutions in the growth and economic development of the Espírito Santo State - Brazil Advisor * Proposal for phd thesis
SÁVIO BERTOCHI CAÇADOR Institutions, Knowledge Economy and Economic Growth: an Analysis of the Recent Evolution of Espirito Santo State Economy. 27/09/2024 Advisor Doctoral thesis
FRANCISCO CARLOS BATISTINI BRUNORO JUNIOR The Evolution of the Science Technology and Innovation policy in Espírito Santo on 2005 - 2020 period: the role of the State Council of Science and Technology (CONCITEC) 07/10/2022 Advisor * MSc dissertation


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