MSc Dissertation (by research)

Studentsort descending Title Defense date
ADINEI JOSÉ FARIA Reforma bancária e factoring no Brasil pós-real 28/02/2003
ADRIANA FIOROTTI CAMPOS Petrobrás: a caminho da privatização? (a quebra do monopólio estatal e suas implicações) 04/12/1998
ADRIANA RIVA MEZABARBA Inovação e meio ambiente – uma análise de firmas potencialmente poluidoras de recursos hídricos numa perpectiva neo-shumpeteriana 28/06/2004
ADRIANA SCHINAIDER RIGONI The role of innovation and the development of the Espírito Santo industry 17/12/1998
ADRIANO DO CARMO SANTOS A proposal for equitable distribution of resources for primary health care in the Municipalities of Capixabas 18/06/2009
ADRIANO LOPES ALMEIDA TEIXEIRA A teoria do dinheiro de Marx e suas potencialidades no capitalismo contemporâneo 17/01/2003
ALANA CARVALHO FERREIRA Evolutionary analisis from Gunnar Myrdal and Ha-Joon Chang Theories 03/07/2017
ALBERSON DA SILVA MIRANDA Machine Learning Methods for Optimal Reconciliation of Hierarchical and Grouped Time Series of Financial Institutions 29/02/2024
ALEX GOMES BOSSOES Previous indicators of Brazilian industrial production: the calculation of Turning Points 05/05/2008
ALYSSON CORREIA PEDRA The 2008 financial crisis and its impacts on the Brazilian economy: an analysis from the Minsky perspective 30/08/2013
AMINTHAS LOUREIRO JUNIOR Construção da vantagem competitiva e inovação em empresas de pequeno e médio porte: um caso do setor vestuário do Espírito Santo 09/06/2003
ANA CAROLINA MONTEIRO REBELO The New Forms of Intangible Economy from File Sharing Networks 25/06/2015
ANA CRISTINA COELHO DOS SANTOS The public-private articulation in the construction of the long-term financing scheme in Brazil after 64 21/05/1999
ANA LUIZA SOUZA MENDES The role of self-production and independent production of renewable energy in the Brazilian electricity market 30/05/2011
ANA PAULA TONANE Inovação no comércio exterior capixaba e sua sustentabilidade do sucesso do passado às novas oportunidades do presente 23/12/2004
ANDERSON ALTOÉ ZANELLATO Transporte e desenvolvimento econômico: análise dos investimentos públicos federais e seus principais impactos sobre a distribuição multimodal do transporte de cargas no Brasil – 1970/2000 02/12/2002
ANDERSON PEIXOTO JARDIM Technical Progress and Economic Growth: a Study of the Principal 19/04/2000
ANDRÉ ABDALA Persistence and Determinants of Inflationary Deviations in Brazil 01/06/2016
ANDREA FERNANDES RODRIGUES External financial fragility: an analysis of the Brazilian economy in the period 1994-2012. 07/06/2013
ANDRÉ LUIZ DE OLIVEIRA SACANI Budgetary planning: an assessment of the opening of additional credits of municipalities in the state of the Espírito Santo State - Brazil 2015-2018 08/07/2021
ANDRÉ LUIZ GREVE PEREIRA Spatial analysis of crime in Espírito Santo and Vitória. 04/06/2010
ANDREZZA ROSALÉM VIEIRA Inovação na cultura do mamão capixaba: geração e difusão de conhecimento 08/07/2004
ANNA CLAUDIA AQUINO DOS SANTOS Technological Innovation in the Automotive Industry: role of R & D internal to the automakers installed in Brazil FIAT as an illustration. 30/11/2001
ANTÔNIO FERNANDO COSTA PELLA The Contribution of Innovative Effort to Export Performance: an Analysis for Latin American Countries 29/05/2019
ANTÔNIO T. G. DOS SANTOS A variável tecnológica em Marx e Schumpeter 18/04/2005
ARIELLA LOPES MATIAS The Women's Social Condition in the Veblenian Institutional Economics Approach 28/06/2019
ARTHUR OSVALDO COLOMBO Brazilian Deindustrialization in Perspective: Lines of Thought, Formats and Sector Dynamics 11/06/2019
ARY JOSÉ APOLINÁRIO DE SOUZA JÚNIOR Analysis of the productive efficiency and well-being of consumers in the Electric Energy Distribution Sector within the New Brazilian Regulatory Model 07/06/2013
AUGUSTO CESAR KLASSEN AMORIM ALVES DE LIMA The evolution of the Taylor Rule in Brazil: comparison of
the presidential terms at the Central Bank


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