Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
02/05/2023 24 Coordinator *
01/05/2009 24 Coordinator *

Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
The program Sinapse da Inovação as a method of discovering the innovative vocations of a region: the case of Espírito Santo - Brazil RAPHAEL DOUGLAS DOS ANJOS ALMEIDA 02/12/2019 Masters Degree in Economics
Culture Economy and the Regulation of the Film Industry: a comparative approach between Brazil, Argentina, Italy, France and USA. DIEGO GONÇALVES FAVORATO 28/06/2019 Masters Degree in Economics
The Vitoria City (Brazil) Cultural Plan 2014-2024 : an analysis from the Cultural Economics point of view MARCUS VINICIUS PANSERA FIGUEIREDO 24/06/2019 Masters Degree in Economics
Brazilian Deindustrialization in Perspective: Lines of Thought, Formats and Sector Dynamics ARTHUR OSVALDO COLOMBO 11/06/2019 Masters Degree in Economics
Incubators of Technology-Based Companies in the State of Espírito Santo: Current Situation and Future Perspectives BRUNA ZUQUI FREITAS 30/05/2018 Masters Degree in Economics


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2022/1 PECO6038 Industrial Economy 60 Doctorate in Economics
2022/1 PECO5300 Dissertation Qualification I 30 Masters Degree in Economics
2022/1 PECO5400 Dissertation Qualification II 30 Masters Degree in Economics
2021/2 PECO5300 Dissertation Qualification I 30 Masters Degree in Economics
2019/2 PECO6250 Research and Thesis Seminars II 10 Doctorate in Economics


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
LEONARDO ARAUJO MOREIRA Brazilian industrial policies in the period from 2003 to 2014: an analysis in relation to the characteristics of a green industrial policy 27/09/2021 Co-advisor * MSc dissertation
GABRIEL ADOLFO GOMES POTIN Business incubators and the development of the innovation Ecosystem: analysis of the differential of the incubator in a network of the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo State - Brazil 15/06/2021 Advisor * MSc dissertation
DIEGO ESTEVAM DE SOUZA Innovation and the importance of connection institutions: the role of ACATE in Santa Catarina State - Brazil and the challenges for the Espírito
Santo innovation ecosystem
18/05/2021 Advisor * MSc dissertation
JAIRO DE CARVALHO GUIMARÃES JÚNIOR Incomplete contracts, public-private partnerships and concessions: an analysis of risk allocation in BR-101 / ES / BA - Brazil 18/12/2020 Advisor * MSc dissertation
RAPHAEL DOUGLAS DOS ANJOS ALMEIDA The program Sinapse da Inovação as a method of discovering the innovative vocations of a region: the case of Espírito Santo - Brazil 02/12/2019 Advisor * MSc dissertation


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